

MSB – MORENILLA ABOGADOS is the third generation of Spanish Lawyers. Mr. Ángel Morenilla was incorporated in the Law Society of Cartagena in 1933, and was the start of the saga His two sons Ángel Morenilla and Pascual Morenilla (+) continued with the practice in Law, and both of them were involved in assisting Mr. Gregory Peters, the developer of what was originally named La Manga Country Club, currently named “La Manga Club”, one of the most prestigious Golf and Sport Resorts in Europe. The third generation is the brother and sister Ángel Morenilla and Teresa Morenilla, both of them Spanish Lawyers. In 1987 the permanent Office at La Manga Club was opened, and since them it has been providing legal advice to owners, Companies and Communities of owners in the area.


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